Friday, April 3, 2020

In mid-performance. In the wings. An actor can be heard on stage chewing the scenery. Grand. Histrionic. But ultimately entertaining. Bev paces in the wings. Furious. Paula enters. 

PAULA: (whispering) What is it? What’s wrong?

Bev at wits end, nearly in tears, turns to Paula.

BEV: (whispering) She’s used up all the acting!

PAULA: Oh Dear! (whispering) So none’s left?

Bev shakes her head gravely. They both watch the performance unfold on stage. They hold hands. They slowly fade away as the performance reaches its zenith. Finally the acting is all gone. Thunderous applause. Bev and Paula are gone. The curtain falls. I imagine they will do it again tomorrow. 

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